Friday, July 3, 2009

im alive!!

yes i survived the trip and made 50 bucks from my cowardly friends.(they wouldnt even swim over the blue hole) soimade the most money though i did get really scared wen i tried to find the bottom and a piece of grass touched me. i thought it was a hand ready to pull me down so i ran out of there so fast my friends r still makn fun of mefor it


Karly said...

OMG!!! I would have totally freeked out beyond beliefe!! like, i would have run aaaaaall the way back home!!! No, not to the tent- home! So don't feel bad. I give you props for crossing the thingy.

Cruz said...

hahaha I woulda been making fun of ya too lol but really I wouldn't have been there in the first place >.< I'm a scaredy cat lol and WOOHOO $50 buck!

Skye said...

OMG I WISH I WAS THERE THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN SOOOOOOOOOO COOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Yeah I'm weird, I know LOL! I'm into anything paranormal. I love all that stuff! Not joking, I would have done that aswell, maybe the running away bit aswell though LOL!

Some freaky stuff happened in my granny's house where I stay most of the time.

For some reason I heard a young boy's voice there when I was brushing my teeth the other night.
It sounded like it came from the corner of the room so I asked my granny if it was her tv in the next room, freaking out a bit and she almost said it wasn't. She then realised I was freaking out and didn't want me annoying her so she said it was the tv so I wouldn't get scared. I found out the next day that she lied so I wouldn't get scared - eek!

The only people who died there are my great granny and MAYBE my great grandad but stuff goes on that makes me think there could be something else there aswell.

Before I go on any more :P sorry I haven't been on here much the last month. I've been really busy - out with friends almost every day then out with family or sleeping if I got a break.

Fly on forever!

The Girl Who Could Fly

Dark wolf said...

yayyy!!! you lived! congrats on the $50!

Unknown said...

hey therrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre

xD nice 50$!